Dr. David and The Nutrient Diet were featured in the Fall 2021 Issue of Modern Luxury Medicine + Doctors

At Atlanta Coaching & Hypnotherapy Associates, we strongly believe in strategic partnerships
We greatly embrace continuums of care & deeply developed, dynamic support networks…
We embrace working with other medical doctors, psychiatrists, dentists, chiropractors, psychologists, therapists (mental health, massage, etc.), counselors, attorneys, educators, groups, organizations, employers, small businesses, companies & corporations to help individuals, employees, clients, students & patients to become abundant, empowered, mentally & emotionally stable and prosperous in their lives!
We strongly believe that is takes a village to empower individuals to prosperity !
Attorneys & Legal Professionals
Do you have clients who may not be clinically depressed or anxious but could benefit from additional coping mechanisms?
Do you have clients who haven’t fully recovered psychologically from a trauma or an accident?
Do you have clients who can’t seem to break through a particular mental, psychological or emotional struggle?
Do you have clients who have too much anxiety to undergo a court or legal proceeding?
Do you have a client suffering from a specific fear or phobia following an auto or workplace accident?
Do you have a client who would benefit from additional tools to help them manage their personal, professional or legal affairs?
Do you have clients whose symptoms seem to increase or persist despite standard measures, treatments or therapies?

Client reviews from Google, Alignable, Square, Kareo, Facebook & Yelp!
Our Practices

Organizations, Employers, Small Businesses, Companies & Corporations
If you’d like to book a workshop training, conference, human resources activity or a speaking event, then simply give us a call or complete a referral form (scroll down for forms)!
Do you have employees who may or may not be clinically depressed or anxious but could benefit from additional coping mechanisms?
Do you have employees who can’t seem to meet their occupational duties and responsibilities?
Do you have employees who can’t seem to break through a particular mental, psychological or emotional struggle?
Do you have employees who struggle to complete office activities and obligations
Do you have employees who have problems communicating with or getting along with co-workers, customers, supervisors or managers?
Do you have an employee who would benefit from additional tools to help them manage their personal, professional or legal affairs?
Do you have employees whose difficulties seem to increase or persist despite standard measures?
Does your organization need Human Resources, Hiring or Training Support?
Does your organization need a motivational speaker for a specific event or occasion?
Would your sales team benefit from additional tools to help them achieve better sales performance?
It’s that simple.
So, WHAT makes Atlanta Coaching & Hypnotherapy Associates Unique, Different, Elite & Exclusive?
Expertise, training and skill sets based on a decade of consultation work in forensic psychiatry, addiction medicine & neurology from a board certified practitioner

Client reviews from Google, Alignable, Square, Kareo, Facebook & Yelp!

Call or Email Us TODAY to Schedule Your Initial Consultation or to Refer an Employee, Co-Worker, Friend, Relative or Loved One to us!
The initial phone consultation is absolutely 100% free of charge!
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