Mental Health Coaching

Mental Health & Wellness Coaching is essential to maintain a healthy mindset, a supportive and consistent mood, and positive emotional and cognitive functioning.
As presented within my new books, “Sweet Potato Pie for the Spirit, Soul & Psyche”, “Tomato Bisque for the Brain”, and “The Nutrient Diet”, your daily and weekly mental health, mental nutrition, mental wellness, and lifestyle choices, decisions, habits and rituals are the keys to your overall general mental health, daily mindset, emotional stamina, overall mood, wellbeing and your future life trajectory.
Click Here to Get Your Copy of “Sweet Potato Pie for the Spirit, Soul & Psyche” Today.
Click Here to Get Your Copy of “Tomato Bisque for the Brain” Today.
Click Here to Get Your Copy of “The Nutrient Diet” Today.
At Atlanta Coaching & Hypnotherapy Associates, we strongly embrace, suggest, create, advocate, support, and promote healthily, informed, and client-specific mental health, cognitive, emotional, and lifestyle choices and decisions.