As featured in Psychology Today, The Atlantan Magazine, Jezebel Magazine, Modern Luxury Medicine + Doctors Magazine!

The Nutrient Diet

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Since the 1980s I’ve observed literally hundreds of diet plans come and go—although, a few of them, like Weight Watchers ®, Jenny Craig ® and Nutrisystem®, have appeared to stand the tests of time.
However, most of them, seem to come and go like the wind. And, I got to see this up close and personal within my own family, within myself and within the clients of my practices.
Through all of these observations, and taking an analytic approach to them both singularly and in aggregate, I came to the conclusion that the vast majority of them “FAIL” because they expect the individual to make too many primary changes at once.
In essence, they expect the person to change overnight—which rarely happens anywhere in nature (including within humanity; i.e., our species).
Plans, goals and objectives tend to fail when they require too many steps too quickly.
I base this opinion off of the Simplicity Principle, which I state as ‘The simpler something is to set up and begin, the more likely one is to consistently continue (i.e., perpetuate) it.’
The reverse of that is the Complexity Principle, which I state as ‘the more complicated something is to set up, begin and perpetuate, the more likely one is to abruptly discontinue (i.e., abandon) it.’
The same is true of most diets (i.e., lifestyle modification plans [LMPs]. Because they are generally complex, even when someone strives to make them easy, they are difficult to permanently install as a habit, routine &/or ritual.
That’s WHY it’s so difficult for the vast majority of individuals to start, continue and complete a diet (or other lifestyle plan).
The Nutrient Diet is a Completely New, Bold, Different, Psychological Approach to diet, health, wellness and weight management habits!
The Nutrient Diet is a “Lifestyle” Approach for General & Mental Health based on Sound Psychological Principles!
The Nutrient Diet is 50% Diet and Nutrition, and 50% Cognitive and Behavioral Psychological Strategies for eating behaviors, dieting, impulse control and habit formation.
The Nutrient Diet is the First Book of its kind to take a Cognitive Behavioral (i.e., Psychological) approach to diet, nutrition, health, wellness and lifestyle management!
The Nutrient Diet truly is a “Trendsetter” in the Diet, Health, Wellness, Medicine, Nutrition and Lifestyle Fields!
Not only does The Nutrient Diet show and explain what you need to eat, it explains HOW you should eat it—based on sound, tested scientific data and psychological principles!
The Nutrient Diet does it in a way that allows you to make lifestyle changes easily, naturally, and progressively so that you don’t get overwhelmed…
Dr. Wright’s current and upcoming books include
(1) Sweet Potato Pie for the Spirit, Soul & Psyche (a Self- Improvement & Self-Empowerment Book)
(2) Tomato Bisque for the Brain (a Self-Improvement & Self-Empowerment Book)
(3) The Nutrient Diet (a Diet, Nutrition, Health, Wellness, and Lifestyle Management Book based on Cognitive Behavioral Approaches and the Psychology of Habit Formation)
(4) The Universal Secrets (a Self-Improvement & Self-Empowerment Book)
(5) Alternative, Holistic & Psychoanalytic Mental Health Approaches (a Book for those seeking therapies and life solutions without the use of psychotropic medications).
The Nutrient Diet will be available in the Late Fall of 2020, just in time to get rid of that holiday weight!
For more information on our upcoming books, simply email us at [email protected]
If you’re interested in ordering one or more copies of the Nutrient Diet, then you can order it on Amazon, Barnes and Nobles or iUniverse here:
For more information on our upcoming books, simply email us at [email protected]