I hope that the fall season has been good for you so far! This is the Time of Year to Successfully Receive the HARVEST that you’ve been planting all year long! I’m here to help you do just that, and to become accountable and vested in your future goals, ambitions, objectives, outcomes, results, and SUCCESSES. BTW, Adding words like INVEST, PLAN, GROW, IMPROVE, INVIGORATE, SACRIFICE, SAVE, EMPOWER, & ABUNDANCE to your regular vocabulary will make a huge difference in how you approach the future… Consistently use the vocabulary of SUCCESS to start manifesting it. KEEP GROWING!! KEEP CHANING!!! KEEP PUSHING FORWARD!!!! DON’T YOU DARE GIVE UP ON YOU!!!!
Remember, TEMPORARY SUFFERING will likely be some part of the process… FORWARD TRANSITION requires GROWTH, TIME, & ADJUSTMET.
It’s True: The More that you invest in yourself, the more that you will gain from life: Happiness, Joy, Bliss, Completeness, Improvement, Growth, Determination, Persistence, Resilience, Perseverance, Durability, Flexibility, Adaptability, Gratitude, Appreciation, Strength, Courage, and Love! You get to create Your Life Experience! Each and Every Day! So, why not do it by DESIGN, PLANNING, STRATEGY, & INTENTION!

Atlanta Coaching & Hypnotherapy Associates, conveniently located in Buckhead, was chosen as a community mental health focus by Healing Aura, an organization of ladies committed to helping to improve mental health outcomes in this country. The focus of the Community Spotlight was on Hypnosis & Hypnotherapy in healing, growth, and spirituality, as Hypnosis & Hypnotherapy are extensions of the Meditation Tradition.
The Community Spotlight Video was filmed on location at our New Buckhead Office Location, at the Piedmont Center, in the very Heart of Buckhead.
You can view the Short Commercial or the Full Length Video, titled “Something Spiritual Ep. 1: First Time Trying Hypnotherapy ft. Dr. David”, here and here:
I’m happy to share that I will be a speaker at an upcoming event that you definitely don’t want to miss out on! It’s called Brewing Resilience, and it’s a Great Opportunity to Boot Up Your Greatness before we get to the Holiday Season and the New Year, 2024! Definitely Check it out or ask me about it, and share with your friends as there will be multiple prizes & giveaways!!!
This year, we were the featured practice for Mystic Magazine!!!
The Website Addresses for the New Practice are the following:
I’m also thrilled to announce that I was interviewed by WebMD recently on the topics of Food Chatter, Food Noise, Weight Loss, and Lifestyle Maintenance Choices around eating! That interview will be available both on WebMD and on my practice websites very soon!
Check Out our Brand New TV Commercials
I’m happy to announce that my practice, MLC Of Greater Atlanta, which I founded in March of 2016, has both a new name, Atlanta Holistic Mental Health & Wellness, as well as a new primary location, 1010 Huntclifff, Suite #1270, Atlanta, GA 30350 (DeKalb County).
When you enter the Huntcliff Office Complex, please come around the far side of the building to the side entrance (facing the front of the building, it’s the end on the left side; opposite from the back of the building), where you’ll see my practice signage and front entrance, Suite # 1270.
You’re going to love these newly renovated office suites!
We have just opened a New Office Location in the Roswell/Sandy Springs Area, located at 1010 Huntcliff, Suite # 1270, Atlanta, Georgia, 30350. And, professional office space for sublease is available to local professionals. if you have a desire to sublease office space for your practice, business, or consulting firm, then let me know before all of the spaces have been taken. It’s a very nice, well curated and appointed space! Appointments will begin meeting here the last week of August/1st Week of September. If your upcoming appointment falls within that time window, please let me know so that we can work out the details! When you enter the Huntcliff Office Complex, please come around the far side of the building to the side entrance, where you’ll see my practice signage and front entrance, Suite # 1270.
The New Sandy Springs/Roswell Office Locatio
This is going to be a space of professionalism, innovation, collaboration, partnership, growth, and investing in the next generation of performers, professionals, and leaders. We’re going places, and I’d love to take your organization with us…
Please know that we also have a very carefully curated and professional office location at Piedmont Center, within the Heart of Buckhead!