Atlanta Coaching & Hypnotherapy Associates

Sandy Springs/Roswell Office Location

1010 Huntcliff, Ste 1270
1st Floor, St. 1270
Atlanta GA 30350


Buckhead Office Location

3495 Piedmont Rd. NE,
Building 11, Suite 205
Atlanta, GA 30305


“Your Results & Outcomes in Life are determined by your daily thoughts, feelings, choices, actions, patterns and responses.
So, if you desire better results and outcomes, then start by creating better thoughts, feelings, choices, actions, patterns and responses.
Believe it or not, a single thought has the ability to change your life, your journey and trajectory in life.”

Our Practices

Atlanta Coaching & Hypnotherapy Associates

• Life Coaching & Life Direction
• Hypnosis
• Hypnotherapy
• Career Change & Career Direction
• Self-Improvement
• Self-Empowerment
• Self-Development

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Atlanta Small Business Incubator

• Small Business Creation & Activation
• Small Business Growth & Development (Incubation)
• Small Business Marketing & Advertising
• Small Business Administration
• Small Business Management
• Small Business Strategy & Planning

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Atlanta Health & Wellness Coaching

• Health Coaching
• Nutritional Coaching
• Dietary Coaching
• Weight Loss Coaching
• Lifestyle Modification Coaching
• Chronic Disease Management Coaching
• Wellness & Exercise Coaching

Atlanta Academic Achievement

• Achievement of Academic Success
• Learning Strategies & Coaching
• Study Strategies & Coaching
• Test-Taking Strategies & Coaching
• Standardized Testing Strategies
• ADHD, Attention, Focus & Concentration
• Foundational Performance Improvement

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Dr. David and The Nutrient Diet were featured in the Fall 2021 Issue of Modern Luxury Medicine + Doctors

About Atlanta Coaching & Hypnotherapy Associates

Atlanta Coaching & Hypnotherapy Associates [ACHA] is a life coaching, self-improvement, self-empowerment, and hypnotherapy practice that specializes in helping individuals who wish to move past life’s challenges and obstacles and grow personally, professionally & permanently.

We are the Greater Atlanta area’s premier provider of HypnosisHypnotherapy!

We are also Atlanta’s premier provider of Coaching!


Each & every person on this planet could benefit from both hypnosis and from coaching.

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Our Practices

Many mental health providers, Psychiatrists, Psychologists, Therapists, Counselors, and coaches are not prepared, equipped, or trained to help their clients and patients through those challenges successfully and for the long term because they fail to get to the root cause of the client’s presenting symptoms and complaints.


They may mean well, but they are not prepared to provide long-term, permanent, long-lasting solutions.


When it comes to your mind, body & spirit, don’t settle for temporary band aids & short-term fixes!


Choose today to make a conscious choice to do it the right way!

At Atlanta Coaching & Hypnotherapy Associates [ACHA], we help individuals, couples, groups, and organizations reach their life, occupational, personal, and professional goals by providing them with proven strategies that help deliver the right results in the right way.

Atlanta Coaching & Hypnotherapy Associates [ACHA] is suited for anyone [regardless of mental health status] who desires to change their outcomes, results, & returns.

Atlanta Coaching & Hypnotherapy Associates [ACHA] will help you to achieve your life goals, objectives, ambitions and desires using
time-tested, client approved techniques, methods and approaches!


Atlanta Coaching & Hypnotherapy Associates [ACHA] incorporates a highly holistic, naturopathic, “whole person” approach.
Atlanta Coaching & Hypnotherapy Associates [ACHA] embraces a creative assortment of cognitive, behavioral, Meditative, Hypnotic (including Hypnosis & Hypnotherapy), Holistic, Naturopathic, Psychoanalytic & integrative methods to empower our clients to become the greatest versions of themselves.
Atlanta Coaching & Hypnotherapy Associates [ACHA] uses non-traditional strategies and innovative techniques (including Hypnosis & Hypnotherapy) to help each client become fully accountable & individually responsible for who they are and what they achieve in life.
Atlanta Coaching & Hypnotherapy Associates [ACHA] is also an augmentative health, mental health & coaching practice that helps adolescents, young adults, and adults to cope with cognitive dilemmas, emotional challenges, and psychological stressors in holistic and healthy ways.

Atlanta Coaching & Hypnotherapy Associates [ACHA] begins with the basics and works with clients to help them craft a solid, comprehensive health and mental health foundation.

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So, WHAT makes Atlanta Coaching & Hypnotherapy Associates [ACHA] Unique, Different, Elite & Exclusive?

Tailored, specific assessments, treatments & therapies (including Hypnosis & Hypnotherapy) from a board certified practitioner
An individualized, highly customized approach to each & every client from a board certified practitioner
Technologically advanced, modern techniques, tools & methodologies (including Hypnosis & Hypnotherapy) from a board certified practitioner
Assessment, therapy (including Hypnosis & Hypnotherapy) & coaching based within freudian & ericksonian principles, techniques & methods from a board certified practitioner
Approaches & methodologies (including Hypnosis & Hypnotherapy) based within time-tested, client approved techniques, methods and approaches & emotional activities from a board-certified practitioner

Expertise, training and skill sets based on a decade of
consultation work in forensic psychiatry, addiction medicine & neurology from a board certified practitioner

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Call or Email Us TODAY to Schedule Your Initial Consultation or to Refer an Employee, Co-Worker, Friend, Relative or Loved One to us!


The initial phone consultation is absolutely 100% free of charge!

Click below to download an Atlanta Coaching & Hypnotherapy Flyer to share with others!


Also feel free to use this convenient Referral form:

Referral form – January 2021